CHC News

Eliminating Ad Tax Deduction: The Threat Is Real

By Dick O’Brien, EVP of Government Relations, American Association of Advertising Agencies, and member of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Healthcare Communication

Although the details of the GOP tax reform plan have not yet materialized, one thing is clear: the odds of the advertising tax deduction being phased out over time or eliminated outright are better than they have ever been. This tax deduction has been at risk before over the years, and the 4A’s and its allies were able to preserve it, but this time, with such an intense focus on increasing revenues to pay for other tax cuts, that outcome will not be possible without you.

Put simply, we know other deductions will be added to the list of those being shaved back as the process unfolds; we most certainly do not want to be on that list because of the cost to our industry. You know and can speak convincingly about the value of advertising to this country’s economy, and you need to share with members of Congress just how devastating an end to the tax deduction would be.

The moment to stand up for our industry is now. Write, call, e-mail and fax your Senator or Representative today (as well as members of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Committee on Ways and Means). As communicators, making our voices heard on this issue could not be more vital.

[Previously published as “Coalition Speaks” in the Oct. 13 edition of SmartBrief for Health Care Marketers.]