April 23, 2019 — Will new FDA leadership drive to continue Dr. Gottlieb’s initiatives? Will they have the clout within the FDA, HHS, and Congress to do so? How will this affect health marketing and communications? Nancy Bradish Myers, president of Catalyst Healthcare Consulting and former president of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA, will offer an authoritative perspective at this year’s Rising Leaders Conference on Healthcare Policy, sponsored by the Coalition for Healthcare Communication.
This fourth annual conference will be held at the National Press Club in Washington on May 21 (6 pm reception and dinner) and May 22 (program 8:30-3:30). It is a unique program zeroing in on how data privacy, promotional regulation, taxation of marketing expenses, and other policy issues affect our industry, and is designed specifically for executives and rising stars in advertising, marketing, med comms, publishing and digital media.
You’ll hear a keynote addressing our issues from a boldface name (to be announced soon—prior years have featured Senators and FDA leadership). In addition to Nancy Bradish Myers, confirmed speakers include Kate Rawson (health policy overview), Alison Pepper (data privacy and its impact on marketing), Dr. Kathryn Aikin (the FDA’s research program to inform guidances on promotional messages), Jim Davidson (new efforts to tax marketing), and Dan Jaffe (compelled speech in DTC), plus a special panel featuring Wendy Blackburn, Sharon Callahan, Pam Jenkins, and Dr. Karsten Risch (relating the issues to our daily work). Tuition is $700 for staff of Coalition member companies, $750 for others (includes dinner, breakfast, and lunch). To register, email jbigelow@cohealthcom.org.