4A's Urges President and Congress to End Efforts to Remove Drug Ad Deductibility

The American Association of Advertising Agencies, along with other members of The Advertising Coalition, are aggressively opposing all efforts to restrict the deductibility of prescription drug advertisements. The deductibility proposal, which has been discussed in Congress and at The White House, is an area of a new revenue package being considered as part of a new healthcare reform.

The Advertising Coalition, of which the 4A’s is a founding member, is coordinating the industry’s efforts to defeat any changes to the deductibility rules. The broad coalition comprises marketers, clients and media outlets.

Download the Letter Sent by The Advertising Coalition to President Obama

“This is a very real and an extremely serious threat,” said Dick O’Brien, head of the 4A’s Washington office. O’Brien and other 4A’s staff and members with medical accounts have been meeting with Congressional leaders and key members of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee to educate them about the effect such a change would have on consumers and on marketers and media.

For more information about the 4A’s efforts, contact the 4A Washington office, 202-331-7345.