Tag: Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson

DTC Advertising

J&J, Lilly Make Voluntary Moves to Share Broader Price Info in DTC TV Ads

J&J, Lilly Make Voluntary Moves to Share Broader Price Info in DTC TV Ads

Feb. 11, 2019 – Last week Johnson & Johnson announced that it would include both the list price of a drug and information about what patients realistically might expect to pay out of pocket for its drugs in direct-to-consumer (DTC) ads by the end of the first quarter, starting with Xarelto, its most-prescribed medication. This […]

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DTC Advertising

Trade Groups Say CMS Lacks Authority to Mandate Drug Prices in DTC TV Ads

Trade Groups Say CMS Lacks Authority to Mandate Drug Prices in DTC TV Ads

Jan. 15, 2019 – In comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding its proposal to require that drug companies include the wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) of a drug in direct-to-consumer (DTC) television ads, industry trade groups and pharmaceutical companies largely are in agreement that doing so would confuse consumers, that CMS […]

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