About the Coalition

About the Coalition

“Congress shall make no law…
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”
-First Amendment, Constitution of the United States


To promote and protect the benefit, for society and individual patient care, of the free flow of healthcare information. Learn More >>

Coalition’s Role

  1. To defend the rights of medical professionals and consumers to receive appropriate healthcare information.
  2. To act to prevent or reverse actions interfering with the free flow of healthcare information. Learn More >>

Advocacy Objectives

Ensure that government laws and regulations:

  1. Protect the First Amendment right of the healthcare industry and clinicians to disseminate and receive data about health-related products and services.
  2. Facilitate the ability of companies to freely communicate factual and truthful information about their products and services to healthcare providers and patients.

Facing the Issues

CHC campaigns to prevent interference with the conduct of continuing healthcare education, while supporting adherence to strict rules protecting the quality of the process. Learn More >>

Coalition Members

The adage “there is strength in numbers” rings true for the Coalition. Its membership is made up of organizations and industry leaders that share common interests and goals. Thus, the Coalition’s track record in making a positive difference has been excellent. Learn More >>

Among the Coalition’s members are the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of Medical Media.

Coalition for Healthcare Communication Executive Committee

The Coalition is very fortunate to have some of our industry’s most esteemed leaders on its Executive Committee.Learn More >>