AMA's CEJA Report Better, but Still Falls Short. Coalition Encourages Discussion and Comments

The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) of the American Medical Association (AMA) has recently submitted a report titled “Financial Relationships with Industry in Continuing Medical Education” to a reference committee of the AMA, to be considered for submission to the AMA House of Delegates on June 14th. Although the report is less stifling than last year’s, it still contains some views that the Coalition finds destructive to collaboration and patient care.

Specifically, the report:

  • Begins with the assumption that industry funding and industry/prescriber collaboration creates an inherent conflict of interest
  • Is not research based
  • Does not provide prescribers appropriate and useful ethical guidance
  • Would further erode industry support and collaboration to the detriment of patient care

The Coalition, other organizations and industry leaders believe it is important for the report to be returned for further revision.

Lewis A. Miller, MS, CCMEP, has written a very good comment paper in response to the report. You can view it here.

AACE-ACE (Endocrinologists)

If you would like to discuss these important CME issues, please visit the Coalition’s LinkedIn Group.

The Coalition and others will also be producing comments, and they will be announced on our LinkedIn Group.

For more information please contact:

Brad Bednarz
Marty Cearnal
Mark Schaffer
John Kamp