Coalition and AAAA Publish Joint FDA Social Media Testimony

At the November 12th FDA Public Hearing on “Promotion of FDA-Regulated Medical Products Using the Internet and Social Media Tools,” John Kamp, the Coalition’s Executive Director,  presented testimony on behalf of the Coalition and the American Association of Advertising Agencies. The testimony offers FDA a regulatory pathway to advance the public health by enabling robust marketing by regulated companies and at the same time coordinating effective enforcement against health fraud on the Internet. The Coalition/AAAA presentation was delivered early on the 1st day of the hearing and lay the groundwork for testimony by other industry leaders.

Topics discussed in the slide presentation include:

  • Problems involved with providing accurate healthcare information in social media
  • How social media can be used to better inform the public
  • What is needed to create a new mindset for the role of FDA-regulated information

View the slide presentation

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