ACCME Board Releases Its Response to Solicited Comments

Friday, April 10, 2009
ACCME today released the summary of its March Board of Directors Meeting. There are several significant announcements:

  1. ACCME will NOT take any action to end the commercial support of CME, based upon the feedback from this past summer’s Calls for Comments
  2. The ACCME believes that its current Standards of Commercial Support neither enable the development of CME that is free from commercial bias nor influence practitioners into “unwarranted or unnecessary direct care”
  3. ACCME will develop an enhanced monitoring system of CME activities
  4. ACCME is considering new designations of activities that are “Commercial Support Free” and/or “Promotional Teacher and Author Free”
  5. ACCME is considering an independent CME Funding Entity
  6. ACCME adopted a “multi-step Rule Making Policy” that offers greater transparency in its decision-making process
  7. ACCME reviewed 97 providers based on 2006 accreditation criteria

See their review results on the ACCME

At first glance, these changes reflect that the ACCME has taken into consideration the input from many organizations — especially those that responded to the Calls for Comments — with a vested interest in insuring the continuation of a strong and independent CME industry.

View press release

For more information please contact:

Brad Bednarz
Marty Cearnal
Mark Schaffer